Sprog skaber virkelighed

Elvira Kalmár


The Solution Focused ripples of IMPACT

John Brooker

Yes! And

Does a Solution Focus approach energise an organisation?

Daniel Meier

Solutionsurfers International

The Language of Change – Create Meaningful Conversations

Kati Hankovszky

Solutionsurfers Magyarország

Teamcoaching with the Solution Focused approach

– pre-konference workshop.

En konference med et fokus på løsninger i organisationer, teams og mellem mennesker.

For ledere, HR-folk, teamledere, coaches, konsulenter og alle andre som arbejder med mål og forandringer i hverdagen.

Daniel Meier

Daniel Meier

Grundlægger og daglig leder af Solutionsurfers®

Daniel Meier er grundlægger og daglig leder af Solutionsurfers® – et globalt løsningsfokuseret coachuddannelsesinstitut. Han har uddannet mere end 4000 coaches i den løsningsfokuserede metode gennem de seneste 15 år, og har skrevet flere bøger om emnet, blandt andet “Teamcoaching with the SolutionCircle” og “Coaching Plain and Simple” (sammen med Peter Szabó), som er blevet oversat til 14 sprog.

Han er en højt estimeret coach for ledere og teams, og er en global facilitator for løsningsfokuserede coaching uddannelsesprogrammer.

Daniel Meier is managing-founder and owner of Solutionsurfers® – a worldwide acting brief-coach training institute. He has trained more than 4000 coaches over the last 15 years in the solution-focused coaching method and wrote several books on this topic eg. “Teamcoaching with the SolutionCircle” – currently translated in Chinese – or “Coaching Plain and Simple” (together with Peter Szabó) which has been translated in 14 languages.

He is a highly regarded coach for executives and teams and a worldwide acting facilitator for solutions-focused coach-training programs.

John Brooker

John Brooker


John Brookers tidlige karriere begyndte med tjeneste hos the Royal Air Force. I 1985 blev han ansat som tekniker for Visa International, hvor han i 1996 blev vicepræsident, inden han i 2001 forlod firmaet.
John etablerede Yes! And i 2001, og er en erfaren facilitator som har anvendt den løsningsfokuserede tilgang med teams siden 2004. Han er kendt for sit arbejde med multikulturelle grupper, og arbejder jævnligt i Vest- og Østeuropa samt Mellemøsten og Afrika med teams som ofte er spredt globalt, og faciliterer dem til at tænke innovativt.
John er derudover præsident for den internationale gruppe ”Solution Focus in Organisations” (SFiO).
Han var i 14 år underviser på kandidatniveau på Open University Business School med temaet ”Creativity, Innovation and Change,” og er forfatter til “Innovate to Learn, Don’t Learn to Innovate”.
John Brookers’s early career commenced with service in the RAF. He joined Visa International in 1985 as an ATM technician, became a Senior Vice President in 1996 and left in 2001.
John established Yes! And in 2001 and is an experienced facilitator using Solution Focus with teams since 2004. He is well known for his work with multicultural groups and works regularly in Western and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa with teams that are often dispersed globally, facilitating them to think innovatively.

John is President of the international group “Solution Focus in Organisations” (SFiO). In his spare time, he is chairman of his local Scout Group.

He was a tutor for the Open University Business School’s Master’s level module ‘Creativity, Innovation and Change’ programme for 14 years and is the author of the book “Innovate to Learn, Don’t Learn to Innovate”.

Elvira Kalmár

Elvira Kalmár

Senior Change Management Team Leader

Elvira Kalmar er forhenværende formand for EODF – European Organisation Development Forum – og en passioneret person inden for OD&D. Hun arbejder pt. med at opbygge intern OD&D kapacitet hos ungarske Telekom, hvor hun leder et stærkt og passioneret team. Hun har mere end 15 års erfaring med organisationsudvikling, hvor hun har arbejdet med NGOer, nyetablerede virksomheder, små og mellemstore virksomheder og professionelle netværk som både ekstern konsulent og intern leder.
Elvira Kalmár is an organisation and community development practitioner, coach and a solution focused team coach, developing non-profit organisations, small and medium size businesses, multinational companies and professional communities. She used to be the President of the Hungarian Organisation Development Association, and a Chair for the European Organisation Design Forum.

Currently she works at Magyar Telekom as a Senior Change Management Team Leader building an in-company Organisation Development capacity. Her work is value driven, participative, appreciative, solution and resource focused.

Katalin Hankovszky

Katalin Hankovszky

Trainer, Professional Certified Coach

Katalin Hankovszky er selvstændig uddanner og coach. Hun har en pædagogisk baggrund og har arbejdet med erhvervslivet og uddannelse siden 1995. Siden hun først stiftede bekendtskab med den løsningsfokuserede metode i 1996 har hun integreret den ind i alt sit arbejde. Hun var med til at skabe konceptet bag den løsningsfokuserede uddannelsesmetode i Solutionsurfers, er leder af det Ungarske hold af Solutionsurfers undervisere (coaching, coachuddannelse og forlagsvirksomhed), har været en SOLWorld entusiast lige fra begyndelsen og er PhD studerende indenfor didaktik.
Katalin Hankovszky is an independent trainer and coach. With a pedagogical background, she has worked in business and training environments since 1995. Since first coming across solution focus in 1996 she has integrated it into all of her work.

She co-created the concept of SF training methodology at Solutionsurfers, leads the Hungarian faculty of Solutionsurfers (brief coaching, coach training and book publishing), has been a SOLWorld enthusiast from the very beginning, and is also a PhD student in educational science.